Cabin Fever Episode 12 - Brewery openings, back to the classics, and blogging credentials

My name is Eoghan Walsh from Brussels Beer City, and this is Episode 12 of Cabin Fever - less a podcast than a group therapy session for writers, brewers, and friends who like to enjoy a beer together but, well, can’t.

I was delighted to be joined remotely in Brussels by:

Jonny Hamilton (@PellicleJonny), co-founder of Pellice magazine, former brewer at London’s Beavertown brewery and now in the process of launching his own brewery in Leith in Scotland, Newbarns

Adrian Tierney-Jones (@ATJbeer), award-winning beer writer for, among others, The Daily Star and Sunday Telegraph

And Stephen Beaumont (@BeaumontDrinks), editor of Original Gravity Magazine’s Canadian edition and writer of numerous books, including Canadian Spirits, Will Travel For Beer, and The Beer & Food Companion

Over the course of a couple of beers from To Ol, Beau’s, Atrium, and Tempest, we talked the challenges of opening a brewery during a pandemic, trying to find writing inspiration when you can’t concentrate, and the joys of local sandwich shops.

Listen in!