Cabin Fever Episode 6 - London on lockdown, dealing with loss, and long-distance bike rides

My name is Eoghan Walsh from Brussels Beer City, and this is Episode 6 of Cabin Fever - less a podcast than a group therapy session for writers, brewers, and friends who like to enjoy a beer together but, well, can’t.

On today’s episode, I was joined remotely in Brussels by:

Jen Ferguson (@missjenferguson), co-owner of London-based award-winning bottleshop Hop Burns and Black (

Evan Pike, co-host of the Pints and Provisions podcast (@pints_and_provisions) and based in Illinois

And Martin Oates (@mjpo007), co-host of the UK’s longest-running beer podcast Hopinions (@BeerOClockShow).

In today’s episode, we talk about the eeriness of empty London streets, how - even though it may not feel like it - some kind of normality will resume, and for the first time we talk about loss and the difficulties of comforting friends and loved ones from a distance.

Listen in!