Cabin Fever Episode 1 - Pilsner, precarious work, and John Wick Parabellum

My name is Eoghan Walsh from Brussels Beer City, and you’re listening to the very first episode of Cabin Fever - less a podcast than a group therapy session for writers, brewers, and friends who like to enjoy a beer together but, well, can’t.

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and under normal circumstances we’d get together in the pub and thrash it out over a beer or two. But we can’t - because most of us now live in countries where it’s impossible to go outside, never mind nip around the corner for a drink.

So, we thought we’d do it remotely, and on each episode of Cabin Fever I’ll be joined by friends from around the world to share a beer, talk through and process what they’re dealing with, and sometimes just have a bit of a moan.

I’m delighted to be joined tonight for this inaugural episode by:

Emily Sauter (@PintsandPanels), based in New England, creator of the Pints and Panel comic strip, contributor to Pellicle Magazine, and beer educator and Advanced Cicerone.

Lily Waite (@LilyWaite_), award-winning founder of The Queer Brewing Project, ceramicist, and writer and photographer at Good Beer Hunting, Pellicle Magazine, VinerPair and others.

And Rich Soriano (@craftbeeryall), lambic renaissance man and a good friend.

In it, we talk precarious work, whether the worst is yet to come, and the value of “premium” subscriptions in helping us through these tough times.

Listen in.

Eoghan Walsh